Friday, November 04, 2005

GMAT SC1000 Question No #500

500. Many psychologists and sociologists now contend that the deliberate and even brutal aggression integral to some forms of competitive athletics increase the likelihood of imitative violence that erupts among crowds of spectators dominated by young adult males.

(A) increase the likelihood of imitative violence that erupts
(B) increase the likelihood that there will be an eruption of imitative violence
(C) increase the likelihood of imitative violence erupting
(D) increases the likelihood for imitative violence to erupt
(E) increases the likelihood that imitative violence will erupt



Main differnce between A,B,C,Dand E is that A,B,C has word 'increase' where D,E has ' increases' ..
If you carefully read here the subject is 'brutal agression' so the word increases will go with it. A,B,C are out

Now Between D,E the main differnce is likelihood for / likelihood that
Idiom time guys ... Likelihood for is incorrect idiom So D is out

So Ans is E

Got a better explaination.. Give it in comments ;)

Some more information :

Likelihood of something happening.
Likelihood that something will happen.

Both are correct

Imp Points from this question

1) Find the subject carefully
2) Idiom


Unknown said...

I think the subject is
'the deliberate and even brutal aggression'

which is a compound subject annd hence requires a plural verb.
So the verb shd be increase .
Any comments.

GONTU said...

the subject is aggression , and 'deliberate and brutal are adjectives for it, therefore singular subject === ingular verb.